Rihanna Pushes Boundaries In Fashion By Exposing Nipples!


Rihanna stunned everyone on the see through barely there dress she wore to the CFDA Awards. She didnt leave much to the imagination. Jaws dropped as she fearlessly walked through the press, well postured in her interview to press and ‘twerking’ dance after she received her award. Image

The daring 26 year old is sexy however, this was a lot crazy! I knew she had the crazy eyes but she really pushed the limits here. This young lady out right walked naked! All that was left to the imagination was very little and actually, quite easy to imagine. I have always loved Rihanna, however, she wants to begin a trend we cannot accept. 

If I will go through labor to bring a child into this world, let it atleast be a bikini wearing earth! I would not be happy if the fashion trends encourage people to show their private areas hidden. C’mon guys, lets leave that to the bedroom. 

Anyway, i bow down to this no-fearing girl. Guess that’s what got her there.. :O